My name is Liani and i will help you through life's troubles

***Personal experience***
“I had a boyfriend. It was actually a relationship where I never saw him, he cheated on me with my best friend that was also my neighbour and it only lasted three weeks. We broke up and then I swore my self I was never going to fall in love again. I WAS WRONG. A year later I went on a summer cruise for my 15th birthday. It was a seven day cruise. On the 5th day at 11:00p…m I met this guy (which the name I’ll remain a secrete) and we talked a bit until I had to go to bed. I told him that we could meet tomorrow morning at the pool. He agreed and we both went to sleep. The other day we met up and we had a wonderful time together. We played mini golf, Ping-Pong and other stuff. The last day of the cruise we had to leave really early so I went to his dorm and we said our good byes. (nothing happened so don’t think otherwise). When I got home I opened Facebook and saw that he added me as a friend and sent me an Inbox. He said that he really liked me and felt that this was love at first sight. and since that day we have been together happily for two whole years!!”
                                     That is my love life. A true story! My story!
*The message here is that no matter how stressful your love life can be, just keep waiting for that right girl or guy and he/she will come at its own time. so don’t rush it and let love come unexpectedly*

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