My name is Liani and i will help you through life's troubles

Archive for July 12, 2013


Before You Act, Please Turn On Your Brain

Every Thing Happens For A Reason


“Everything happens for a reason. But sometimes that reason is that you’re stupid and you make bad decisions.”

The picture says it all. You need to think and then act. Because of this exact reason is why in this world there are break-ups, divorce, broken hearts, broken friendship, broken trust, bad communication, etc. We need to learn that, even thou we are mad or sad or just want to explode inside, patience is key.


You are mad at your wife or husband. you them him or her that you want them dead or you wish they were out of your life. But before you say that, imagine if that person was really dead. Imagine that person with someone else. Do you really want that? Well… if you tell them to go to hell, trust me that they will just go. Some might not, but other may. Relax, think and then talk.

You are a teenager. You need to clean your room and your mom is nagging you to do so. She is always in your case and bothering you all the time. One day you just explode and tell her to go die in a hole, or just tell her off. What if she went to the supermarket and have a car accident? She dies on impact, then what are you going to do? You had no chance of telling her you were sorry. That’s why you better avoid bursting out at someone because you may never know when they will go away. Always have a clean state with everyone and your life will be better.




I personally don’t believe in coincidence. Its your actions that lead you to every single destiny. Whether you choose to go to the party that has drugs and alcohol or you decide to stay home. Your decision will affect what will happen to you. You go to the party. End up drunk, in some ones room. If don’t go, you stayed safe and wouldn’t end up getting raped. Its a reality that most people try to ignore.